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To visit Sri Lanka and not to visit local sights means to miss the unique opportunity to get acquainted with the rich cultural heritage of one of the most ancient civilizations. In continuation of our story about curious Sri Lanka, we are sharing with you the most interesting places that should be seen by every guest of this country.
Manor of Lunuganga
Lunuganga – exquisite estate, created by one of the most extraordinary architects of Asia of the second half of the twentieth century, Jeffrey Bawa. The estate is located on the southwest coast of Ceylon in the delta of one of the tropical rivers. This is where the Bava style was born, known in the world as “tropical romanticism” and combining different directions: classical, colonial, eco, ethno.
It is noteworthy that in the estate of Bava there was no electricity. Already in the mid-twentieth century, the architect actively used natural sources of energy, in which he was ahead of his European colleagues for many decades to come. In Luguganga, you can visit five different houses, places for recreation, see with your own eyes the furniture created by the famous architect, including the famous “chair of lovers”, and much more.
Museum of National Masks Ambalangoda
In Ceylon, masks are made according to a special technology from Kadur wood growing on the outskirts of rice fields in a marshland. At first it is shaped with the help of a chisel and a hammer, then it is ground, polished and painted with paints. Visiting the Ambalangoda Museum of National Masks, you will learn how they are made, what they mean, as well as get acquainted with ancient superstitions and rituals that help get rid of ailments. In the museum you can visit the library containing a large number of valuable studies of the traditions of this craft and old books.
Cave Temple Aluvihara
The first mention of this place dates back to III century. BC er
Aluvihara (“Monastery of the Ashes”) consists of 13 caves, and a steep climb to the top of the mountain will be crowned with the incredible beauty of the surrounding valleys. In the caves you can see the 10-meter statue of Buddha, images of scenes from hell, breathtaking murals in the form of lotus flowers. Here the Buddha’s teaching was first recorded, which had previously been transmitted only from mouth to mouth. A separate cave is dedicated to Buddagosha, who, according to legend, lived and worked in Aluvihara.
Tea Plantations and Spice Garden
Well, and what could be Sri Lanka without the famous tea plantations! For the first time the bushes of this plant were brought here by the English in the beginning of the XIX century from India and China, and after 40 years more than 10 thousand workers were working on tea plantations.
Due to the high mountainous desert landscape, tea grown in Ceylon has a stronger and richer taste. Here are the ideal climatic conditions that allow you to grow the best high-altitude tea in the world. By the way, Sri Lanka provides 25% of the tea market in the world.
Having visited Ceylon, you should definitely visit the plantation of silver tea in Ahangam. White tea is produced only in two places – in Ceylon and in the Chinese province of Fujian. You can get acquainted with the subtleties of production, learn how to brew properly, try elite teas, and if you wish, you can buy them here. It should be said that the price of tea is above average here, but it’s worth it!
The famous spice garden is located in Mata. Here you can see with your own eyes how pepper bushes, cardamom, cinnamon grow in nature
trees, etc. During the tour you will learn many new things about familiar spices and, if you want, you can buy several bags of spices or Ayurvedic products for yourself.
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