Sea of Azov
Much has been written about the rest on the Sea of ​​Azov, its advantages and disadvantages are described in detail ... The Sea of ​​Azov: ten interesting and little-known facts…

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Mauritius is not just another exotic island. This is an incredibly cozy, cute, fabulous island in the second part of the world. When we have summer, there is winter, when we have winter – they have summer. New Year in the summer as something interesting sounds. But at the same time, fascinating.
So, flying, of course, is not close and the flight is pretty tiring, but there is a positive point – the difference in time with Ukraine is only + 2 hours, which allows you to adapt much faster. Of course, to adapt to the warm ocean, beautiful hotel and wonderful nature is not so difficult. In addition, it is not necessary to issue a visa, which facilitates the process of planning a trip and saves time.
The island is surrounded by a coral reef, so swimming with a mask is wonderful. Of course, it is better to bring slippers with you, and then the entrance to the sea is not perfect everywhere, it is safer to see where you are. But the underwater world quite compensates for this inconvenience.
travel to Mauritius
The island itself is not big, the roads are left-handed, but very good, the traffic is not active, therefore it is quite comfortable to take a car and travel around the island on your own. Thus you can stop near the coves you like or climb the mountains.
Well, special attention on the island deserve animals and birds, which are many. Probably everyone has heard about the wonderful Dodo bird. So here she lives.
Mauritius is not just an island with many luxurious hotels and blue waters of the Indian Ocean, it is a piece of land with amazing nature, enchanting views and many exciting parks. Be sure to visit the park Sasela and take a walk with lions there. True, this entertainment is not for the faint of heart, lions walk and live here like in the wild, they look peaceful, but they still remain wild animals. After a small briefing, you can walk and stroke with them. I will not prevaricate – it is scary, but at the same time very interesting. Also in this park you can go on a safari. Feel free to allocate to the park all day, you will find something to occupy yourself there.
travel to Mauritius
It is also very exciting to ride a turtle in the park Vallina. About 1 thousand giant turtles live here, they can be fed, stroked and photographed. Also, in the same park there are many crocodiles, and even lemurs, knitted, bats and other interesting little animals. Not far from this park there is a plant of rum. As for me, a great gift to friends, tasty and, most importantly, we can not buy it.
Another place worth seeing is the land of Chamarel – the multi-colored sands that nature has created and which lie in multi-colored layers and are not mixed under the influence of natural conditions. On the way to this miracle of nature, you can visit the waterfall.
travel to Mauritius
If you like to walk in the parks and enjoy nature, you can visit the botanical garden Pamplemousus, an ego of 25 hectares, and over 500 species of various plants grow on the territory. Also an interesting national park “Black River Gorge”. Some believe that this is the main natural attraction of the island. Here you can find deer, wild pigs, monkeys, as well as pink pigeons and Mauritian fudi, as well as here you can admire the excellent views from the viewing platforms. And, of course, nature lovers will appreciate the 7 waterfalls of Tamarin and make beautiful photos.
But separate attention on the island deserves a beach holiday, snorkeling, the underwater world, and for lovers of active rest – on the island you can learn how to windsurfing or ride with the wind, if you are a professional in this business. There are many windsurfing schools here. On the coast of Le Morne there is an opportunity on one side of the mountain to enjoy the calm sea, and on the second to ride with the wind. It is amazing and delightful that on the same beach you can safely swim, and then move 10 meters away and ride the board on the waves.
And this is not the only thing that surprises and amazes at the same time, but in order to feel this one must come here.
Travel with pleasure, and we will be happy to help you with this, tell, advise and make your holiday fabulous!

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