I think you think, in Ukraine, you need to go to your house and give you a new way, then you can be merciful. Find out, in our country є the smallest of malovnichi, the miraculous і simply divine kutochkiv about yakі little hto signє. The yak is not marvelous, so much of the tourists, who are admitted to them, are inveterate guests. Take a fresh look at the Batkivschyna і hold up to the castle of Missi Kudi Varto Pohihat, not vitrachayuchi forces otrimannya vіz, zakordonnyh passports i nagagato cheaper. Proponuєmo you TOP-5 mіtsts, yakі varto v_dvіdati vzhe tsogo lіta.
Divikovne m. Vilkove, Scho on Odeshchin, non-crunchy call “Ukrainian Venetsієyu.” This is a greener color ідееал підійде for сімейного відпочинку с дітми ой з while friends. Not far from v. Vilkovo, the Danube Biosphere Reserve is located among the most important places in the city. Here you will be able to make beautiful lotus fields, great land plots, personal flowers and fr. You can find the reserve on the so called Zero hook, on the delta of the Danube de richka depressions in the Black Sea. Tsei kutochok Ukraine nature wildly heaped up with malevolent beauty: divine pine trees, scoop up the Russian taiga, the lake and the lake. It seems that you can draw rice and elk in tsikh matstsyah.
In the mallowy Beregovo, scho on the Transcarpathia, the termal jelly of the silica-nitrogen-hydrochloride-sodium-chloride water in the high mineral water is indicated. On all terrestrial kulі taki dzherela you can know more on Kamchattsі, Sakhalіnі, in Iceland і in New Zealand. Besides, Beregovshchina is famous for its wines, because it’s a Vi gourmet and love to savor wine, it’s worth it that you don’t take too much time with you.
Chernivtsi is called “Little Day” or “Little Paris” and non-purpose. Walk around the old town streets and courtyards of the Vi nibi and be transported to the old town of Misto Europe. Here you can wonderfully hold vihdni. Rodzinkoy m. Chernivtsi smіlyno can nazvati kolishnyu residence Orthodox metropolitans of Bukovini and Dalmatia. Now Tc Chernivetsky National University. Obov’yazkovo vіdvіdayte tse dіysno beautiful girl.
Bile Lake, Scho, on Rivne Women Unicolor, you can’t call the youth of the lake, or the water of the Great Glory Mountain, but you can navigate to the dotik. This lake is a warehouse of competitiveness to the gloriously named Szatski lakes. Before the cob of the Druha of svitovoi of the war, the water from Lake Biloi was delivered to Polish murals found in European schools, for a bath of beauty. The water in the lakes of prozora-prozora, taka, just to make it difficult to scoop. If you plan a plan for children, then Bile Lake is just for living.
Our Ukraine Bagata in the Malovnic chumps, which meekly filled with your Pam’yat yaskravimi spogadami. It is amazing, where you can find a tourist destination for tourists, who have become more expensive in Ukraine, like a roadway, avenue, you have found the beauty of such a little difficult person.